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combines the power of touch with the insight of deep listening.
Alicia Swaringen, LMBT
Alicia Swaringen, NC LMBT, has helped hundreds of people
decipher and integrate the messages of their bodies since 1995. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer more than 20 years ago sparked her to pull together her skills into the unique healing art of Bodywisdom Therapy. She earned a two year certificate in Process Oriented Psychology, a Science of Intuition certificate with Dr. Carolyn Myss and Dr. Norm Shealy, and a certificate of Massage Therapy from Lane Community College, Eugene, OR. She was a Licensed Massage Therapist in Oregon for more than 10 years, and now resides in Asheville, NC, where she has her current office. She returned with her son to NC to be closer to her family.
Alicia is also a Reiki Master and has certificates in Energy Kinesiology and Jin Shin Tao. Her years of experience in theater and dance have deeply influenced her understanding of movement, posture and how we hold ourselves in the world.
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