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combines the power of touch with the insight of deep listening.
Alicia Swaringen, LMBT
Process Work: An Introduction
Here is a 6 minute excerpt from a 90 minute DVD with Jeffrey Mishlove in the early 1990s. Here you’ll find the essence of process work.
INTERVIEW Yor Dream Body -- nking Allowed DVD w/ Jeffrey Mishloveld Mindell:
also known as Process Work or Dreambody work, has its roots in Jungian psychology, Taoism and physics. Created by Dr. Arnold Mindell in the 1970's, Process Work is based on the premise that the solution to a problem is contained within the problem itself. Process Work provides a unique framework upon which to unfold messages from physical symptoms, relationship problems, group conflicts and social tensions. Illness as a meaningful expression of the unconscious mind is the foundation of Bodywisdom Therapy.
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